With a collaborative team of editors inside and outside the carceral system, we celebrate, curate and publish the rich, diverse tales of incarcerated individuals.

Our desire to start a high-quality literary publication for those impacted by incarceration was spawned by teaching classes at several prisons in the state of Georgia and experiencing the positive impact of those efforts both on the community we served as well as on ourselves. The rich conversations we had, the relationships we formed, and the personal growth we experienced and witnessed, were powerful and life changing. The intelligence, passion, and commitment of the students in that program as well as the high quality of their writing and intellectual engagement, made us keenly aware of the need for a venue specifically designed for and sensitive to the hurdles and complications faced by those who are imprisoned. We have seen firsthand and up close that though bodies can be contained inside walls and behind barricades, creativity and intellectual curiosity and personal growth cannot. Beyond Bars was formed to celebrate and highlight the creativity, complexity, and resilience of the human spirit.

With a collaborative team of editors inside and outside the carceral system, we curate and publish the rich, diverse talents of individuals impacted by incarceration. Our integrated team works together to produce a high-quality literary magazine that highlights the unique experiences, insights, and visions of our contributors. Editorial board members gain valuable editorial and leadership experience and skills for future careers at the same time developing and fostering relationships within and without the carceral system. Through this publication, we hope to combat the forces of fear, mistrust and misunderstanding of the incarcerated community and to raise awareness about the positive impact education and creativity can have both collectively and individually.

Beyond Bars welcomes submissions from those who have been affected by the carceral system and those within the carceral system.